Programkövetelmény alapú, áfamentes, Képzési hitellel finanszírozható

CRM Specialist Course

Take your career to the next level without programming: Salesforce awaits!

The application period is closed!We can no longer accept applications for the current training! Subscribe to our newsletter at the bottom of the page so you don't miss the next one!

Application deadline: 30th July

Career in IT without becoming a programmer: Salesforce awaits!

Do you want to take your career to the next level? Are you interested in business processes and would like to work with a related platform? If you want to gain marketable, hands-on IT knowledge without programming or if you want to stand out in your current position in the Salesforce field, choose our CRM Specialist training program! Join the dynamically evolving ecosystem of Salesforce and help companies get closer to their customers!

Salesforce is an American cloud-based software company, and based on IDC Report, a global leader in CRM systems with a market share of ~20%. Its focus is the customer relationship management system and enterprise applications ranging from customer service, marketing automation, analytics, to application development and beyond.

It is one of the fastest growing companies in the world, with a diverse product portfolio that are used by thousands of companies worldwide. Salesforce is predicted to continuously grow and expand meaning Salesforce professionals will be in higher demand than ever. According to Forbes Magazine, Salesforce Business Administrator and Consultant/Analyst positions are among the top ten fastest growing open positions on LinkedIn, moreover Salesforce estimates that about 9.3 million jobs will be created in the Salesforce ecosystem by 2026.

What do our graduates say about Salesforce?

I can compare Salesforce to one of my favorite hobbies, rock climbing. There is a system that has a given framework and various techniques and steps are available that can be used creatively to achieve the goal. All of this is completely opposite to what I thought before. I had a misconception that all you have to do is sit in front of the computer and configuration and other IT tasks must be boring, but they are not at all. The brain works hard, and you can use your creativity in the process.
Anita Donkó
Salesforce Consultant
United Consult
"Szerencsére nagyon gyorsan találtam állást, azt hiszem, nagyjából másfél hónap alatt. Egy közepes méretű digitális banki szoftvercégnél helyezkedtem el, azóta is ott dolgozom. A bootcamp után részt vettem a Green Fox Alumni Buddy programjában, ami olyan jól sikerült, hogy nemcsak egy új barátságra, de az első fejlesztői munkahelyemre is rátaláltam a mentorom segítségével."
Mozsolics Dániel
"Szokatlan volt ez a laza, interaktív, kötetlen oktatási forma, de nagyon élveztük, és az én esetemben sokkal hatékonyabbnak bizonyult mint a klasszikus tantermi képzések. Egy ilyen intenzív bootcamp elvégzése embert próbáló feladat, életre szóló élmény ugyan, de nagyon sok kihívást tartogat."
Markó Máté Tamás
Analyst / API Engineer,
"A záróvizsgát követő 1 hónapos felkészítő után el is kezdtem pályázgatni néhány helyre. Nehézséget okozott, hogy én korábban soha nem vettem részt állásinterjún, csak a felkészítő anyagokra támaszkodhattam. Kellett szereznem némi gyakorlati tapasztalatot is mind a HR-es, mind a szakmai interjúk terén, mire belejöttem. Megérte türelmesnek maradni, mert végül egy jó hírnevű hatalmas multinacionális vállalathoz sikerült elhelyezkednem Junior Java fejlesztőként."
Incze Menyhért György
Java fejlesztő

Why choose us?


Who is the course for?

  • Those who want to level up in their career, but do not want to become a developer.

  • Salesforce users who would like to stand out even more and open up new career opportunities in this area.

  • Project managers, business analysts, consultants, sales people, and field representatives.

  • Anyone interested in complex business processes, solutions, and who would like to work in the IT field.

Vagy választhatod a PRÉMIUM CSOMAGOT

  • 2023. augusztus 6-ig

  • Bruttó 242 EUR

  • 3 hónapos hozzáférés

  • Extra material review-k

  • Mentori konzultáció képzett szakemberekkel

  • Karrier workshop pszichológus mentorainkkal

  • Hozzáférés a közösséghez

Vagy választhatod a PRÉMIUM CSOMAGOT

  • 2023. augusztus 6-ig

  • Bruttó 242 EUR

  • 3 hónapos hozzáférés

  • Extra material review-k

  • Mentori konzultáció képzett szakemberekkel

  • Karrier workshop pszichológus mentorainkkal

  • Hozzáférés a közösséghez

Érdekel a Salesforce karrier?

Egy kurzus - több lehetséges pozíció. 6,5 hónapos, részidős online képzésünk elvégzése után Salesforce Administratorként, Business Consultantként vagy Analystként is elhelyezkedhetsz majd. A kurzus két részből álló átfogó tananyagot kínál a platformról: a 4 modulból álló, egyenként 4 hét hosszú Workshop fázis az alapok elsajátításáról szól, majd ezt követi az 5 hetes Projekt fázis, amikor már egy közös projekten, csapatokban dolgoznak a hallgatók. Minden foglalkozás online zajlik, élő mentori segítséggel. A képzés során a hallgatók azonnal hasznosítható gyakorlati tudásra tesznek szert, hiszen amellett, hogy feldolgozzák a Trailhead kapcsolódó anyagát, a kurzus teljes ideje alatt feladatokat oldanak meg.

Green Fox Academy végzett hallgatója

Képzésünk során felkészítünk a hivatalos Salesforce Certified Administrator minősítés megszerzésére, ami a Salesforce rendszereket használó munkáltatók számára nagy értéket jelent. A minősítés megszerzésében mi is támogatunk: hallgatóinknak 80.000 Ft + ÁFA összegű Salesforce Certified Administrator Vizsga kedvezményt biztosítunk.

Képzés indulása: 2023. május 2.
Képzés várható befejezése: 2023. november 17.

Válj Salesforce szakértővé 12 hét alatt!

A képzésről bővebben

Így épül fel a képzés:

  • Workshop fázis: 4 modul, 4x4 hét

  • Szünet: 1 hét minden modult követően

  • Projektfázis: 1 modul, 5 hét

  • Vizsgafelkészülés és vizsga: 2 hét

Főbb tudnivalók:

  • Szükséges heti ráfordítás: összesen 10-15 óra (hétfő és szerda esténként alkalmanként 1,5 óra + vasárnaponként 9-15 óráig + házi feladat)

  • Automatikusan része leszel Karriertámogatási programunknak, összekötünk partnereinkkel

  • Soft skill tréning és coaching alkalmak is tartoznak a képzéshez

  • A képzés során felkészítünk a hivatalos Salesforce Certified Administrator minősítés megszerzésére, mely fontos belépő a Salesforce Administrator pozíciók betöltéséhez

  • Angol nyelvű oktatás

  • 10-15 fős osztályok

  • Élő, mentor által vezetett online órák, amikhez bárhonnan csatlakozhatsz

  • Pénzvisszafizetési garancia: ha a képzés első két hetében meggondolnád magad

Jelentkezési határidő: 2022.07.31.
Kurzus kezdete: 2022.08.29.
Kurzus tervezett befejezése: 2022.11.11.

Have a Salesforce career path!

Watch our roundtable discussion with experts on the field and Green Fox Academy graduates online (Zoom) on March 1st 18:00.

No items found.

Become a CRM Specialist in just 12 weeks!

More about the course


Ma Magyarországon több mint 10 ezer nyitott szoftverfejlesztői pozíció van.

  • The duration of the online course is 12 weeks + 4 break weeks

  • It can be completed alongside work with a commitment of 10-15 hours per week.

  • Contact hours:
    3 x 1.5 hours on weekdays (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday)
    1 x 5.5 hours on Saturdays

  • Study in English

  • Live, online mentoring, accessible from anywhere you are

  • We prepare you to obtain the official Salesforce Certified Administrator certification, which is an important qualification for filling Salesforce Administrator positions.

  • Pre-recorded soft skills training sessions are also included in the course

  • Money-back guarantee if you change your mind during the first week of the course

Structure of the course

1-3. WEEK

In the first module, students will acquire the fundamentals of Salesforce as a CRM system. Beyond the basics, participants will get familiar with the most commonly used objects and key configuration options, such as data modeling, formulas, users, permissions, etc.

Ha az alapoktól kezdenéd, és a képzés végére junior programozóvá válnál. Valamint rendelkezel annyi forrással, hogy előre kifizesd a legkedvezőbb csomagot.

Main topics:

  • Navigation on the User UI

  • Navigation in the Settings

  • How to modify the User UI

  • User Management

  • Extend the standard functionalities with custom Objects and Fields

  • Basic of Data Model

  • Account and Contact Management

  • Basics of Sales Process, how is it implemented in Salesforce out of the box

  • Basics of Data Quality and Security

  • Approval Process

4-7. WEEK

In this module, participants will get familiar with the Sales Cloud application and delve into related automations. The aim of Sales Cloud is to streamline sales processes and support sales teams more effectively.

Ha az alapoktól kezdenéd, és a képzés végére junior programozóvá válnál. Valamint rendelkezel annyi forrással, hogy előre kifizesd a legkedvezőbb csomagot.

Main topics:

  • Reporting Tool in Salesforce

  • Dashboard: Visualization of a report

  • Create Custom Navigation in Salesforce (Application)

  • Create a better UI Experience with the new Dynamic Forms

  • Automation in Salesforce

  • Basic of Flows

  • Create Custom Forms in Flow

  • Create automation in Flow

  • How to increase the Sales Team Productivity

  • Automatizálás létrehozása Flow-ban

  • Campaign Management

  • Product and Price Management

  • Opportunity Management

  • Data Quality - Duplicate Management

8-12. hét

In this module, the emphasis will be on the Salesforce Service Cloud application, which is a customer service and support platform designed to help companies efficiently manage customer requests, complaints, and support needs. In the final weeks of the training program, you can testing your knowledge on a specific project.

Ha az alapoktól kezdenéd, és a képzés végére junior programozóvá válnál. Valamint rendelkezel annyi forrással, hogy előre kifizesd a legkedvezőbb csomagot.

Main topics:

  • Advantages of using Service Console

  • Out-of-the-box features of Service Cloud: Entitlement and Knowledge base

  • Create a public website in Experience Cloud

  • Data Management

  • User Management - Intermediate

  • Implementation based on User Stories

  • JIRA

  • Agile - SCRUM

  • Teamwork

  • Build a real project

Tuition fee

Jelentkezz Early bird áron június 25-ig!
You have 2 options to pay for our online training program.



Save on tuition. Pay in one lump sum!

Choose the flexible solution. Pay in installments!

2.090.000 Ft

2.450.000 Ft

Jelentkezz most
Early Bird áron

Jelentkezz most
Early Bird áron

620.000 Ft + VAT

3 x 223.333 Ft +VAT

Tuition payment:Within 8 days of signing the contract (no later than the start of the course)

Tuition payment:
1st: within 8 days from contract signing
2nd: 2024-01-02
3rd: 2024-02-05

Money-back gurantee: If you change your mind during the trial period you only have to pay the admin fee.

Money-back gurantee: If you change your mind during the trial period you only have to pay the admin fee.

The prices above are only applicable for students who have joined our upcoming course.

Meet the mentors who lead the course

Hiszünk abban, hogy naprakész tudás átadásával biztosíthatjuk hallgatóink versenyképességét a munkaerőpiacon. Ezért a képzés során vezető fejlesztők és elismert szakemberek is megosztják gyakorlatban szerzett tapasztalataikat 1-1,5 órás alkalmak során. Tanulj a legjobbaktól, és építsd fel Velünk saját programozói karriered!

Dóra Puskás
Salesforce Business Analyst
Icon for LinkedIn.comCute cartoon fox shaped icon
Dániel Várhidi
Salesforce Consultant & Developer
Icon for LinkedIn.comCute cartoon fox shaped icon
Adrienn Bakos
Certified Salesforce Administrator
Icon for LinkedIn.comCute cartoon fox shaped icon

Would you like a career in Salesforce?

One training program for three positions. By completing our 6,5 months long, part-time online training program, you can qualify as either a Salesforce Administrator, Business Analyst or Consultant. The course offers a comprehensive syllabus about the platform in two parts: the Workshop phase that consists of 4 modules, each lasting 4 weeks and teaches you the basics, after which comes the single module, 5 weeks long Project phase during which you will work on projects in teams. All sessions will be held online with live mentor help. During the course, you can acquire practical knowledge that can be used immediately on the job market, since in addition to processing the related material on Trailhead, you will solve real-life tasks during your training.

Green Fox Academy végzett hallgatója

During our course, we prepare you to pass the official Salesforce Certified Administrator certification exam, which is of great value to employers that use Salesforce systems. We also support obtaining the certification: Green Fox provides students with a discount of HUF 80,000 + VAT for the Salesforce Certified Administrator Exam.

Course starts: 2nd May 2023
Course expected to finished by: 17th November 2023

Become a CRM Specialist. With us!

Join the Salesforce ecosystem!

Our course consists of:

  • Workshop phase: 4 modules, 4x4 weeks

  • Break week: 1 week following every module

  • Project phase: 1 module, 5 weeks

  • Exam Preparation and exam: 2 weeks

Main information

  • Weekly dedication: 10-15 hours total (Monday and Wednesday nights, each lasting 1,5 hours + Sundays from 9 to 15 + homework)

  • You will automatically be part of our Career Support Program

  • We give you 100% job guarantee

  • Includes soft skill training and coaching sessions

  • We prepare you to obtain the official Salesforce Certified Administrator certification, which is an important qualification for filling Salesforce Administrator positions.

  • Study in English

  • Classes of 10-15 people

  • Live, mentor-led online lessons that you can join from anywhere

  • Money-back guarantee if you change your mind during the first two weeks of the course

Course starts: 2022.08.29.
Course expected to finish by: 2022.11.11.


You have 2 options to pay for our online training program.

5% early bird discount
if you apply until 6th, March!
You can apply at our early bird prices below until 10th of April!

Instalment plan

Stay tuned for our upcoming course prices!
5 X 239.800 + VAT
With Salesforce Certified Administrator Exam Discount:
5 X 223.800 HUF + VAT*
(1.119.000 HUF + VAT)
  • Tuition payment for the 1st module within 8 days from the signing of the contract, for all additional modules until the first day of the start of the given module
  • Money-back gurantee: If you change your mind during the trial period.
  • *Salesforce Certified Administrator Exam Discount: if you agree to obtain the official Salesforce Certified Administrator certification by the end of the course, we provide a discount of HUF 80,000+VAT from the course fee (which amount approximately covers the fee of one exam). If the qualification is not obtained, the student will no longer be entitled to the discount, so the amount will have to be reimbursed.

Ha az alapoktól kezdenéd, és a képzés végére junior programozóvá válnál. Valamint rendelkezel annyi forrással, hogy előre kifizesd a legkedvezőbb csomagot.

Prepaid package

Stay tuned for our upcoming course prices!
999.000 + VAT
With Salesforce Certified Administrator Exam Discount:
919.000 HUF + VAT*
  • Tuition payment within 8 days of signing the contract (no later than the start of the course)
  • Money-back gurantee: If you change your mind during the trial period.
  • *Salesforce Certified Administrator Exam Discount: if you agree to obtain the official Salesforce Certified Administrator certification by the end of the course, we provide a discount of HUF 80,000+VAT from the course fee (which amount approximately covers the fee of one exam). If the qualification is not obtained, the student will no longer be entitled to the discount, so the amount will have to be reimbursed.
The prices above are only applicable for students who have joined our upcoming course.

The application period is closed!
We can no longer accept applications for the current training!

Convinced yet?
Take your career to the next level without programming.



The course is split into 2 phases. You can view the detailed curriculum by clicking on the buttons below:
Detailed Workshop phase syllabus
During the workshop phase, the applicants learn the basics of Salesforce Administration. They learn about data modeling, data types, user management, and the basics of Sales and Service Cloud. The workshop phase is broken further down to 4 distinct modules, each ending with an exam that is mandatory to pass. Every module is 4 weeks long.

Main Topics:

  • Salesforce Platform Basics
  • Salesforce Data Modeling and User management
  • User and Object Basics
  • Sales and Marketing in Salesforce
  • Data Security
  • Formulas and Validations 
  • Reports and Dashboards
  • Lightning App Builder 
  • Advanced Sales and Marketing tools (Products; Activities)
  • Automation basics
  • Service basics: Service Cloud & Service Console
  • Salesforce Flow
  • Additional Sales tools (Campaign)
  • Escalation and Duplicate Management
  • Chatter App
  • Salesforce Mobile
  • AppExchange
Detailed Project phase syllabus
During the Project phase of the course participants are split into workgroups. They have to put into use the skills and knowledge they have acquired individually during the previous modules, finishing a project in Salesforce together.

Main Topics:

  • Set Up Case Escalation and Entitlements
  • Approval process
  • Survey
  • Lightning Experience Productivity

Career opportunities after the course


As a Salesforce Consultant, your job will be to enable the organization to get the most out of their Salesforce collaborations and investments. Therefore, you need to be a master user of the CRM platform and be able to develop and solve complex business challenges. A Salesforce Consultant is familiar with Salesforce and its features, latest updates, and should be aware of how to use them in order to get the most out of it.

In this position it is important to have a deep understanding of the client’s needs and how the organization works to be able to give advice and introduce the best strategy or solution. It helps if you have a multinational company or SSC background, or you have a general knowledge about business processes: supply chain as a term, what SLA is, help desk knowledge, etc.

Your career can evolve into more senior positions or you can transition into more specialized roles like Data Engineer or Product Owner.


As a Salesforce Business Analyst, your job will be to dive into data, identify key insights, and map out a winning business strategy. In the case of Business Analyst and Salesforce Consultant, you will deliver solutions and make actionable recommendations.

As an Analyst, you will dive into certain areas, and it is important to have a deep understanding of the client’s needs and how the organization works to be able to give advice and introduce the best strategy or solution. It helps if you have a multinational company or SSC background, or you have a general knowledge about business processes: supply chain as a term, what SLA is, help desk knowledge, etc.

Your career can evolve into more senior positions or you can transition into more specialized roles like Data Engineer or Product Owner. 


As a Salesforce Administrator, your job will be to bridge the gap between business requirements and technology. While creating reports and dashboards will be a part of your workday, doing your own research and handling issues also will be your responsibility. You will work together with other admins, developers, and consultants to solve complex issues.

Admins usually handle more diverse tasks and have larger autonomy. It helps if you have an expertise in a certain field, have analytical skills, IT knowledge or SSC background.

Your career as an Administrator can grow into more senior admin positions where you can lead your own team, or you can transition into more specialized admin roles, like PM / PO, or Solution Architect.

Salesforce Administrator

Are you…

  • Tanuld meg munka vagy iskola mellett a programozás alapjait!
  • Proactive?
  • Enthusiastic?
  • Orderly and conscientious?
  • Communicative?
  • A problem solver?
  • Good with repetitive tasks?
  • Able to handle Excel and Spreadsheets?

If so, the only things you need is a basic understanding of Sales and Service Cloud, and the workings of Salesforce applications to become an Administrator. 

As a Salesforce Administrator, your job will be to bridge the gap between business requirements and technology. While creating reports and dashboards will be a part of your workday, doing your own research and handling issues also will be your responsibility. You will work together with other admins, developers and consultants to solve more complex issues. Admins usually handle more diverse tasks and have larger autonomy. It helps if you have an expertise in a certain field, have analytical skills, IT knowledge or SSC background. 

Your career as an Administrator can grow into more senior admin positions where you can lead your own teams, or you can transition into more specialised admin roles, like a developer, data architect, or product owner. 


Salesforce Consultant or Business Analyst

Are you…

  • Tanuld meg munka vagy iskola mellett a programozás alapjait!
  • Proactive?
  • Communicative?
  • Good with people, especially when it comes to clients?
  • Confident with presentations?
  • Creative when it comes to coming up with different scenarios and having a consulting mindset?
  • Able to handle Excel and Spreadsheets?
  • Able to project manage a small team?

If so, the only things you need is a basic understanding of Sales, Service and Marketing Cloud, and the workings of the Configure, Price, Quote Software to become either a Consultant or Business Analyst. 

As a Salesforce Business Analyst, your job will be to dive into data, identifying key insights, and mapping out a winning business strategy. As a Salesforce Consultant, your job will be to tackle complex business challenges and solve them through business improvements. In either case, you will deliver solutions and make actionable recommendations. As an Analyst, you can expect more in-depth in certain areas. And as a Consultant, you will bridge the gap between business problems and technical solutions. You will need to learn about your client’s organisation and needs in both positions, so you can advise and present the best strategy or solution. It helps if you have a multinational company or SSC background, or you have a general knowledge about business processes: supply chain as a term, what is SLA, help desk knowledge, etc.

Your career can evolve into more senior positions or you can transition into more specialised roles as a data architect, or product owner. 



1. What kind of preliminary qualifications are required?

You need to have at least an intermediate level of both spoken and written English. Although not required, it will be to your advantage during the admission process if you can prove you have a degree of any kind, have any kind of experience at multinational companies, SSC background or basic IT knowledge.

2. How does the selection process go?

In order to join our course, you'll have to go through a three-step application process, which takes approximately 1 week. It's necessary because we'd like to make sure that you're going to be able to complete the course.

1. Application
If you have decided to take your career to the next level, submit your application! It's just a few clicks away. :)

2. Online test
A few days after submitting your application we will send you a link to an online test. Through a couple of games it will help us evaluate your cognitive skills. We recommend using a computer for doing it, rather than a mobile phone. This takes appr. 30 minutes.

3. Interview
We will inform you shortly after you complete the test if you have made it to the next round. If you are successful, we will schedule a personal, appr. 30-minute long interview to find out more about you.:)

After the interview, we will notify you of the admission results within a few days via email. If you are among the successful candidates, we will take care of the paperwork, and we warmly welcome you on the first day of the course. Good luck!

3. What kind of teaching methodologies do we apply?

Our goal at Green Fox is to create an environment that is similar to the one, in which you will find yourself when you start to work afterwards. So our teaching methodology focuses on solving challenges. Our students work on tasks in the first half of the course, and on the development of complex projects in the second half.

Work takes place within a mentoring framework. In practice, this means that only 10 % of the time is taken up by lectures. The remaining 90% consists of individual and group-work, led by mentors.

We apply the blended classroom methodology, meaning traditional classroom techniques are mixed with digital solutions. There are video based materials that are to be processed individually by the students, followed by mentor supported individual and group-work.

Our course is online, where the material review typically takes place on Zoom. For the rest of the time, applicants are divided into smaller study groups and keep in touch with our mentors via Discord in pre-arranged time slots.

We are constantly developing not only our curriculum, but our teaching methodology too, because our goal is for our mentors to transfer their knowledge to our training participants as effectively and thoroughly as possible.

3. What kind of qualification will you receive?

During the course, we prepare you to obtain the Salesforce Certified Administrator qualification. This qualification is widely recognized by employers, making it a very good indication of qualifying for Salesforce Administrator positions.In addition, you will receive a certificate issued by Green Fox Academy, proving completion of the CRM Specialist course.

4. How do we support you in finding your first IT job?

We have already partnered with several companies that are actively hiring in different Salesforce positions. Our 8 person Career Team has years of experience finding the perfect match for our graduates. The provided career services have elements like:

  • After your successful graduation from the course, our career team will prepare your professional resume. It will be complemented with references and reviews written by our mentors and psychologists.
  • You can prepare for situations through trial interviews, and our mentors make sure that even the trickiest of tech questions don't find you off-guard. Our company specific info-packs will help you navigate the selection processes.
  • As part of Green Fox's talent pool we will prepare you for the great encounters too. At our corporate events, for instance, you will be able to demonstrate your knowledge to companies that are looking for juniors.
  • After successful graduation, you will become a member of our network of more than 1,000 alumni.

We give you 100% job guarantee: this ensures that if you cannot find a job within six months after successful graduation we refund 100% of your tuition or waive it entirely if you chose post-payment.

6. What is the training schedule?

You will need to spend 10-15 hours a week to finish our online part-time course, that consist of: weekly 2 weekday evenings from 17:30 to 19:00 (usually scheduled for Mondays and Wednesdays), 5 hours on weekends from 9 to 15 (usually on Sundays), plus homework and individual studying.

Basic information

A képzés végére junior szintű programozói tudást szerzel, valamint sok-sok gyakorlatot valós projekteken és különböző technológiákban. Végzett hallgatóink az alábbi területeken helyezkednek el:
Data Science
Quality Assurance

A képzés teljes hossza nettó 4 hónap, plusz 2 hét szünet. (Heti 5 nap, napi 8 óra, hétfőtől péntekig)

A képzés időtartama alatt szinte mindet. :) Nem kertelünk: ha négy hónap alatt szoftverfejlesztővé szeretnél válni, akkor az komoly elköteleződést jelent. Az oktatás maga hétköznapokon reggel 9 és délután 6 óra között zajlik, viszont sokszor előfordul majd, hogy az iskolai munka otthoni előkészületeket kíván meg.

A képzés mentori keretrendszerű oktatási formában zajlik. Ez a gyakorlatban azt jelenti, hogy csupán az órák 10 százaléka lesz klasszikus előadás, a többi mentorok által vezetett csoportmunka. A képzés teljes időtartama alatt feladatok megoldásával folyik majd a tanulás. Az első két hónapban bevezető, gyakorló jellegű feladatokkal dolgozik a csoport, az utolsó két hónapban pedig a partnercégektől kapott valós projektekből vett mintaprojekteken.

A képzés folyamán azonban nemcsak a kódolásra koncentrálunk, hanem nagy hangsúlyt fektetünk az olyan soft skillek fejlesztésére is, mint a kommunikációs és prezentációs készség, illetve az együttműködés, csapatjáték. Fontosnak tartjuk, hogy hallgatóink könnyedén megállják a helyüket jövőbeni munkahelyükön, ezért két, teljes állásban erre dedikált szervezetpszichológus foglalkozik velük.

A kurzus teljes hossza alatt tréningeken és coaching alkalmakon vesznek részt, illetve péntekenként egyéni és csoportos prezentációk keretében számolnak be a mentoroknak és a partnereinknek az aktuálisan elsajátított tudásukról.

Képzéseink néhány havonta indulnak, neked pedig mindig az aktuálisan soron következőre van lehetőséged jelentkezni.

A következő kurzus indulása: 2018. május 7.
Jelentkezési határidő: 2018. március 25.

Felvételi eredmények: pár nappal a felvételi utolsó lépcsője után, legkésőbb április 6-ig

A felvétel folyamatosan zajlik, tehát minél hamarabb jelentkezel, annál nagyobb esélyed van bekerülni! ;)

1062 Budapest Andrássy út 66., 2. és 3. emelet

Egy tanulócsoport létszáma 15-21 fő.
Egy kurzus alkalmával 3 csoportot indítunk.

A képzésben való részvételnek nincsen semmilyen klasszikus képzési előfeltétele. Az egyetlen dolog, ami nélkül biztosan nem tudunk felvenni, az az ANGOLTUDÁS.​

Miért fontos ez?

Azért, mert a képzés tananyagának nagy része angol nyelven érhető el, illetve péntekenként a demók/prezentációk is angol nyelven zajlanak. A nyelvvizsga nem kötelező.
Ami előnyt jelenthet a felvételinél, de nem kritérium: ha már van egy diplomád, legyen az bármilyenha már próbálkoztál önállóan kódolással, esetleg részt vettél valamilyen online kurzuson ... és fontos, hogy életkori határ nincs. :)

A képzés sikeres elvégzése után segítünk munkát találni. Az elhelyezkedésre nem vállalunk garanciát, de aggodalomra semmi ok: a nálunk végzettek 96%-a programozóként dolgozik! Jó, ha tudod: a partnercégeinknél ugyanazon a felvételi folyamaton mennek végig a hallgatóink, mint a bármely más iskolapadból érkező juniorok.

A Green Fox Academy által kiállított oklevelet, amely igazolja majd, hogy sikeresen megfeleltél a kurzus követelményeinek, és letetted a záróvizsgát. Fontos tudnod: a képzés nem államilag akkreditált, így nem állíthat ki akkreditált bizonyítványt. Ezen nem is tervezünk változtatni, mert az akkreditációs folyamat nem tenné lehetővé, hogy mindig a legfrissebb technológiákat taníthassuk nektek. Mi abban hiszünk, hogy a megszerzett tudás igazi értékét az mutatja, hogy legkiválóbb hallgatóink azonnali munkalehetőséghez juthatnak.

1. How does the selection process go?

In order to join our course, you'll have to go through a four-step application process, where we look at your motivation and test your cognitive abilities through some online games an interview. It's necessary because we'd like to make sure that you're going to be able to complete the course.

1. Application
Are you ready to change your life? Then submit your application in a few clicks and you are good to go!

2. Online test
A few days after submitting your application we will send you a link to an online test. Through a couple of games it will help us evaluate your cognitive skills. We recommend to use a computer for doing it, rather than a mobile phone. This takes appr. 30 minutes.

3. Interview
We will inform you shortly after you complete the test if you have made it to the next round. If you are successful, we will schedule a personal interview to find out more about you.

4. Simulation
If you successfully pass the interview, there is only one step left: participation in an hour long simulated group class, where we check applicants’ digital literacy.We will notify you of your admission before the start of the course (no later than 30 days in the case of super-intensive). If you’re among the best applicants, we’ll take care of the paperwork and look forward to seeing you on the first day of training. Good luck! :)

2. What kind of teaching methodologies do we apply?

Our goal at Green Fox is to create an environment that is similar to the one, in which you will find yourself when you start to work afterwards. So our teaching methodology focuses on solving challenges. Our students work on tasks in the first half of the course, and on the development of complex projects in the second half.

Work takes place within a mentoring framework. In practice, this means that only 10 % of the time is taken up by lectures. The remaining 90% consists of individual and group-work, led by mentors.

We apply the blended classroom methodology, meaning traditional classroom techniques are mixed with digital solutions. There are video based materials that are to be processed individually by the students, followed by mentor supported individual and group-work.

In case of our online courses we use applications that should be familiar to the students, therefore there is no need to learn to use new platforms. For material reviews we mainly use Zoom, where you can share your screen. The rest of the time you work in smaller teams, each team is provided with a Discord room, where you can collaborate live on your work.

We are constantly developing not only our curriculum, but our teaching methodology too, because our goal is for our mentors to transfer their knowledge to our training participants as effectively and thoroughly as possible.

3. What kind of preliminary qualifications are required?

You need to have at least an intermediate level of both spoken and written English. Although not required, it will be to your advantage during the admission process if you can prove you have a degree of any kind, have any kind of experience at multinational companies, SSC background or basic IT knowledge.

4. How do we support you in finding your first job?

We have already partnered with several companies that are actively hiring in different Salesforce positions. Our 8 person Career Team has years of experience finding the perfect match for our graduates. The provided career services have elements like:

  • After your successful graduation from the course, our career team will prepare your professional resume. It will be complemented with references and reviews written by our mentors and psychologists.
  • You can prepare for situations through trial interviews, and our mentors make sure that even the trickiest of tech questions don't find you off-guard. Our company specific info-packs will help you navigate the selection processes.
  • As part of Green Fox's talent pool we will prepare you for the great encounters too. At our corporate events, for instance, you will be able to demonstrate your knowledge to companies that are looking for juniors.
  • After successful graduation, you will become a member of our network of more than 1,000 alumni.

We give you 100% job guarantee: this ensures that if you cannot find a job within six months after successful graduation we refund 100% of your tuition or waive it entirely if you chose post-payment.

Accompanying the guarantee you will receive individual career coaching and ongoing guidance from our dedicated psychologists and talent manager. Details→

5. What kind of qualification will you receive?

Your tuition fee includes a Salesforce Administrator exam that makes you eligible for applying to Salesforce Administrator positions by granting you the Salesforce Certified Administrator certification. Passing the exam before the end of the program is required in order to successfully finish our course. Fees of further attempts to pass the exam in case of failing the first try will not be covered by Green Fox Academy.

6. What is the training schedule?

You will need to spend 10-15 hours a week to finish our online part-time course, that consist of: 1,5 hours twice on weekdays, 5 hours on a weekend day, homework and individual studying.

Which position would you choose?

If you are unsure of the right direction for you, learn more about your career choices at Green Fox from our Career Compass, or find the best path for you to take from our Tech Career Quiz!

Why choose Green Fox?

  • More than 1,600 people have already chosen us

  • 91% of our graduates work in the IT industry

  • We assist all our graduates in finding their first IT job with 100% job guarantee

  • There's a money-back guarantee in case you change your mind during the trial period

  • You can choose from a number of Salesforce related positions, such as Salesforce Administrator, Salesforce Consultant or Salesforce Business Analyst

  • Our psychologists aid your progress through soft-skill trainings and coaching sessions

Why choose Green Fox?

Why choose us?

You can become a Salesforce expert on a part-time basis, even while working
Live, mentor-led online classes that you can join from anywhere
We also provide career support and soft skills trainings
After the course, there are many Salesforce career opportunities: you can qualify as either a Salesforce Administrator, Business Analyst or Consultant
Money-back guarantee in case you change your mind during the trial period
Thanks to our flexible tuition payment packages, you can also pay in installments

Are you ready for your Salesforce career?

Apply now to our upcoming course on the link below and change your career in just 2 months!

Join our combined online training program to get a career in IT without becoming a programmer! 100% job guarantee.